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Invitation to the InstallFest 2019

Feb. 27, 2019


Dear Turris users,
this weekend, 2nd and 3rd March of 2019, there will Czech conference for users, where you can ask for help with installation GNU/Linux and other problems it or you can discuss it, and meet other people.
InstallFest will be in FEL ČVUT - Karlovo náměstí 13. All presentations will be in Czech, but if you're also speaking English, you can come to our booth, where you can visit with us and talk if you want about Turris MOX.

Michal Hrušecký on Saturday 2nd March at 13:00 has a presentation, where he shows how Turris MOX boots from Turris Omnia, which would be able to expand WiFi signal.

We will be waiting you there!